Tuesday, December 6, 2011

City Slopestyle

Every time a snowstorm hit as a kid, I always had ideas of ways that I could take that fluffy white stuff, use the surroundings of where I lived, and turn it into skiing\sledding playground. I remember one instance specifically where I wanted to create a ski slope out of my neighbors roof. It had a nice long slope, and would end in a nice little jump into my back yard. I rememberr telling myself that when a big snowstorm hit, and my parents where gone, I would make my make shift ski hill. 

Well, I am sad to say, that my "roof slope" never happened. But, the funny thing about this story, is that I don't think I was the only kid in the world that had these kinds of ideas. Whether it was a ski slope, sweet bike jump, or even a narley tree hut, I imagine at least everyone of you reading, had some sort of concoction built up in your mind at one time or another.

I imagine that as a kid, JP Auclair had similar thoughts, except, unlike the rest of us, he got the green light to do just that. He literally turned the city, into his own personal ski slope. Just watch the video, it will all make sense.

This clip is form the movie: ALL.I.CAN...Enjoy!!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Real tree or Fake tree?

It's that time of year again, when we go to the back of our storage rooms, attics, garages to pull out the old plastic Christmas tree. We put it up; decorate it and that is that! But, there are still a select few, who instead of going up into their attic, they go up into their mountains to search out that perfect tree to show off in the middle of tier house.

Now, this is a subject that I am completely torn on. It took everything I had this week to convince myself to go buy a fake tree. To me, there is just something about a real, live aromatic Christmas tree. But, when it comes to convenience nothing beats a fake tree.

Take a second and take the poll at the top of the page and tell me what you think... Real or Fake?