Sunday, November 13, 2011

" Think Global, Drink Local"

Mmm... bottled water. It’s delicious right? And not to mention the simplicity of being able to grab a nice pure, chilled bottle out of the fridge, drinking it down, and once your done, just throw it away. This is indeed much easier than having to go to all the work of putting “dirty ” tap water in a glass,cleaning the glass, and repeating the process every time you want more water. Sure, anyone would admit, that bottled water is defiantly convenient for us. But is bottled water really that convenient for our health, our wallet, and our environment? I always thought it was, I would consume bottled water almost on a daily basis.

Then, one night, my wife and I sat down to watch a movie together. We decided to watch a documentary called “Tapped”. Tapped explores the bottled water industry. It examines where they get their water, the cleanliness of it, and the effect that it is having on our environment.

I really don't want to go into too much detail about the movie, because I really want you to watch it. It lasts about 1 hour and 30 minutes, but it really is time well spent. For me personally, I can honestly say, that unless I absolutely have to I will never consume another bottle of water. Many might say, what is the difference between bottled water, and say a Gatorade? I say,can you get Gatorade out of your tap?

All I can say is think about it "Think Global, Drink Local"

Here is the link to where you can watch “Tapped” online FOR FREE!!!

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